ESL HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER (Professeure agrégée)
Lycée général et technologique Auguste Béhal, Lens (Pas-de-Calais, France)
From September 2024 onwards
English as a Second Language to first, second and third-year high school students
Department of English Studies - Angellier, University of Lille (Nord, France)
From September 2024 onwards
Traduction & Translation Studies
Tutorial "Methodology: translating English into French," 1st-year BA English students (24 h)
Tutorial « English into French translation », 3rd-year BA English students (36h)
Department of English Studies - Angellier, University of Lille (Nord, France)
2021-2024, 390 h
Translation & Translation Studies
Tutorial "French applied to translation," 1st-year BA English students (48 h)
Tutorial "English applied to translation," 1st-year BA English students (48 h)
Tutorial "Methodology: translating English into French," 1st-year BA English students (60 h)
Tutorial "Methodology: translating French into English," 1st-year BA English students (54 h)
Tutorial "English into French translation," 2nd-year BA English students (162 h)
Tutorial "French into English translation," 2nd-year BA English students (18 h)
Department of English Studies, University Bordeaux Montaigne (Gironde, France)
2020-2021, 96 h
Translation Studies
Lecture "Compared stylistics and linguistics applied to translation," 3rd-year BA English students (18 h)
Tutorial "Compared stylistics and linguistics applied to translation: English into French," 3rd-year BA English students (12 h)
Graduate seminar "British & American Literature in Translation: History, Theory & Practice," 1st-year MA English students (2.5 h)
Graduate seminar "History & Theory of Translation," 1st-year MA Translation students (2 h)
Tutorial "British & Commonwealth Literature 3: Endgame, Samuel Beckett," 3rd-year BA English students (18 h)
Tutorial "American Literature 3: Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov," 3rd-year BA English students (9 h)
Graduate seminar "From British to American Modernism — Writing in/and Crisis in Literature & the Arts," 1st-year MA English students (2.5 h)
Preparation for the oral examination of the agrégation competitive exam: Howards End, E.M. Forster (8 h)
Tutorial « Translation 2: English into French », 1st-year BA English students (24 h)
Department of English Studies, University Bordeaux Montaigne (Gironde, France)
2017-2020, 192 h
Translation Studies
Lecture "Compared stylistics and linguistics applied to translation," 3rd-year BA English students (54 h)
Tutorial "Compared stylistics and linguistics applied to translation: English into French," 3rd-year BA English students (36 h)
Graduate seminar "British & American Literature in Translation: History, Theory & Practice," 1st-year MA English students (2.5 h)
Tutorial "British & Commonwealth Literature 3: Endgame, Samuel Beckett," 3rd-year BA English students (36 h)
Tutorial "British & Commonwealth Literature 3: Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe," 3rd-year BA English students (9 h)
Graduate seminar "From British to American Modernism — Writing in/and Crisis in Literature & the Arts," 1st-year MA English students (2.5 h)
Preparation for the oral examination of the agrégation competitive exam: Howards End, E.M. Forster (4 h)
Tutorial « Translation 2: English into French », 1st-year BA English students (24 h)
Tutorial « Translation 2: English into French », 1st-year BA students in business English (24 h)
ESL HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER (Professeure agrégée)
Lycée polyvalent Aimé Césaire, Clisson (Loire Atlantique, France)
English as a Second Language classes to 1st and 2nd-year high school students
Department of French Studies, University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)
2013-2014, 102 h
FR151: French as a Second Language tutorials for beginner BA and MA students (40 h)
FR151: French as a Second Language labs for beginner BA and MA students (30 h)
FR152: French as a Second Language grammar course for beginner BA and MA students (32 h)